9:36 video
Rachel was doing escort work in the evenings to suppliment her income. She got sent out on a call that had requested a red head that liked bondage. Her date had his equipment all set out when she got there. She was a little surprised when he requested that she lay down on the living room floor. He put her feet in cuffs with a spreader bar so her skirt was strained to a breaking point. He used a similar device on her arms including a cuff that went around her neck. She assumed that he wanted some kinky sex but actually wanted to use a vibrator on her and force her to have multiple orgasms. He wasted no time in unzipping her dress and pull her tits out of her bra. He grabbed his vibrator and applied it to her exposed pussy. She thrashes around on the floor trying to avoid the vibrator but gives in to her first orgasm. She hopes the her super-sensitive clit will get a break but he never lets up the pressure. She is XXXX to cum again and again until he finally agrees to stop. What a date!