11:21 video
Part one of Wunder Woman and Wunder Girl Captured. Wunder Woman and her side kick Wunder Girl went to a photo shoot for a community newspaper. The room was small and full of lights, camera equipment and one photographer. He had them pose together for a few moments to make them trust that it was a real photo shoot. As they were told to look straight into the camera a masked man crept up behind them with two rags in hand. He swiftly covered their mouths and rendered them unconscious. When they awoke they were tied with Wunder Woman's lasso back to back. The men began to violate our heroines. They took turns forcing their dirty cocks into Wunder Woman and Wunder Girl mouths'. They fondled their Amazon tits all the while filming this horrible affair.
18:16 video
Part one of MILF1634. Housewife Rachel was not getting any sex or affection from her businessman husband Frank. Even when she put on d a skimpy nightie to seduce him with her spectacular body, he gave her the brush off and went to bed instead. Rachel had been deeply upset as a result. The next day she went to her husband's office to talk things over. She entered so quietly that he did not hear her. What Rachel saw gave her a terrible shock. Frank was having his dick sucked by his new secretary Alexis. He complimented her on the job she was doing, then came all over her outstretched tongue. Rachel fled the scene distressed. That night her troubled mind led to have a vivid dream about her son Eric. She saw herself playing pool with him. Next she was cuddling him in bed. Finally she was watching him while he showered. Rachel woke up feeling confused. Then she understood the dream. It was reminding her of her special relationship with her son. He was the one man she truly trusted and loved, and who loved and trusted her in return. He had been away at college for four years. Now Rachel needed to get him back home. Only Eric could help her through her loneliness and misery. It was easy to make it happen - a little fib to the dean, another to her husband.
14:34 video
11:20 video
Part two of two. The intruders took turns fucking their big hard cocks into her mouth. Misty winced and groaned as she was XXXX to swallow the men deep. Occasionally Jack and the employee held the webcam to film the incident from a range of interesting and intimate angles. Later, after the long, joint face-fucking of Misty, Jack went to work pumping his cock into her tight, undefended pussy after she told them to do whatever they wanted. It was an epic ravishment he gave his step-daughter: deep, hard and relentless. All his pent up anger toward her went into the act. Repeatedly he took her on her back and on her side. At the same time his employee kept her mouth stuffed with cock for his own satisfaction and to plug her cries of distress. Again her two attackers brought the webcam up close and personal for the event. Then they switched positions. The employee fucked Misty, and Jack made her suck his cock until she caused it to unleash a huge load of hot creamy cum that glazed half her face. Misty groaned in humiliation at this last defiling incident. But Jack showed her no sympathy. He took the view that the more she suffered, the sorrier she would be. When all was done, he and his employee calmly departed the scene, leaving Misty trapped and traumatized in her bonds. She never told anyone what had happened. Nor did she suspect her stepfather. Instead she went away to a Healing Retreat for a couple of months. When she came back, she was a changed woman. She got a regular job in a fast foot outlet, and never went near a webcam again. Ironically, that last show of hers had more viewers and made more money than all the others combined.
9:14 video
Part two of MILF1674. After Frank is done playing around and take Lexi and Rachel downstairs to prepare them for the demo. That night a naughty cat burglar named Dallas breaks into the house and wonders around to finds the frozen figures of Lexi and Rachel in the living room. Dallas is shocked and poses and feels them until Frank sneaks from behind and put her through the process. After Frank adds Dallas to his collection with his trusty chip, he helps himself to a blowjob and mounts her from behind afterwards.
21:50 video
Spider used to fight for the side of justice. She had been used and humiliated too many times. The final straw was when she went to aid Wunder Woman and ended up getting her ass reamed by Gas Man and his henchman (see Spider Attacked). They XXXX so many orgasms out of her that it took her months to recover. That was her only weakness. If she got fucked to orgasm she was helpless. She reinvented herself after that traumatic event. She slimmed down and dyed her hair. She was going to use her powers for profit from now on. She had the ability to use her powerful mind and pheromones to control men. She had heard through the Justice gXXXXvine that there was a new villain in town. The mystery was that no one knew what his super powers were. He was taking fortunes away from the rich and powerful. At first she thought she would align herself with the villain. Then she decided she would use her powers to steal all they money. He had stolen it anyway. What was the harm? She was stilled tapped into the Justice Network so it did not take her long to find his hideout. She watched the hideout from perches such as rooftops and trees. She slipped quietly into one of the buildings. She suspected it held the secret entrance to the chamber where the fortune was being held. It was a strange place. It was dirty and run down. It looked like it was uninhabited. There were some strange devices in the. A large freestanding cross that looked like it could be used to torture and a medical exam table. Spider was looking around when suddenly a man appeared. He was covered head to toe in a grey suit. Over that he wore a cloak. Spider sensed a foe. She released her pheromones and attempted to control his mind. He laughed and stepped forward. She was having no effect upon him. She knew she was going to have to battle him in the traditional way. She charged him. She kicked and punched but he held her off. He grabbed her up and squeezed her until she could not breathe. Everything went dim. He picked her up and placed her on the table. He ran his hands up and down her costumed body. He must learn more about her. He bound her hands behind her back and hobbled her so she could not run. She woke up as he fondled her lean body. He knew her weakness. He unzipped her costume and tweaked her nipples. She knew that she was in trouble. He dropped his cloak and pulled out his member. He pulled her to the edge of the table and XXXX her mouth open. It was coming right at her mouth. He slid his cock into her mouth. He held her head so he could fuck her mouth. There was nothing she could while he plunged down her throat and played with her nipples. Her body began to respond despite the humiliation. He picked her up and dropped her on the floor on her knees. He held her hair and fucked her throat. She XXXXd, gagged and coughed. She almost threw up but he did not let up. Despite the humiliating experience she could feel herself getting wet between her legs. She was past the point of no return. He picked her up and put her on her back. His cock was poised at her dripping wet entrance. She told him to fuck her. He slid in and she groaned. He pumped her hard as she moaned with reluctant pleasure. He told her that he would not stop until she orgasmed. Several minutes later she could not hold back. The orgasm was so huge that everything went dim. He stepped back and laughed as he watched the cum dripping out of her pussy. Now what would he do with his latest conquest?
12:02 video
Part one of two. Rachel's husband had recently died. She and her sister Stacie could barely keep from sobbing as they sat listening to the lawyer read out the will. Much to their surprise, they found that they had been left a mansion and a huge amount of money. Neither on them had any idea that Rachel's husband had acquired such wealth or maintained a secret property. When they arrived at their new home, both the sexy MILFs fell instantly in love with it. The place was huge and full of great features. However, they had no idea that a dark cloud loomed over them in the form of their husband's assistant. He had been a loyal, long-suffering servant to Rachel's husband, and he was very bitter that she and Stacie should get so much while he did not receive a cent. Wearing a mask and a black outfit, he sneaked into their new home and spied on the two women. He cleaned out the safe before they arrived but stuck around to get some payback. Instantly he resented what he saw as their undeserved, bimbo-like happiness. The feeling got so bad that he craved revenge. Deciding to 'divide and conquer', he first sneaked up on Stacie when was she alone and checking out one of the mansion's far rooms. He came up on her from behind, clamped his hand over her mouth, wrestled her down to the bed and bound her at the wrists The poor woman could do no more than offer a weak, muffled scream. Meanwhile, Rachel was moving around downstairs. The man quickly went after her and captured her by the same method - a strong hand over the mouth from behind. The next time the two sisters came together, they were led side by side on a bed, gagged, and stripped down to their sexy lingerie. There was nothing they could do to stop the man as he angrily mocked and manhandled them. Then his revenge began in earnest. He wanted to utterly humiliate the women for their happiness and good fortune. First he took of their bras and enjoyed mauling their big breasts. Then he XXXX Rachel to kneel between her sister's legs and her give her a good long pussy licking while he went to stand over Stacie's head and make her suck his cock nice and deep.
10:01 video
Part one of two. Rachel was the pretty little wife of a millionaire businessman. One day a masked man broke into her home and launched a surprise attack on her she while was alone doing the housework. Frightened, overpowered and disorientated, she did not remember much of what followed. When she fully regained her senses, she discovered she had been cleave-gagged, wrist-bound, and tied down to a chair in an unfamiliar room. The masked man stood nearby. He was big and had a coarse, threatening manner. Rachel whimpered and trembled before him. Demure and sheltered, she had always been wary of strangers. Now she was stuck alone with a particularly sinister one in strange surroundings. As she wondered about his intentions, she grew increasingly distressed. Then they became clear when the man produced a cell phone and called her husband. On getting an answer, he said: I have your wife. Give me one million dollars within forty-eight hours if you ever want to see her alive again. To prove he was telling the truth, he held the phone to out to Rachel, yanked her gag down, and made her speak to identify herself. Through desperate sobs, Rachel begged her husband to do all that the man said. She could tell he wasn't bluffing. A moment later, the man ended the call. Although he had said he wouldn't fatally harm Rachel if he got the money from her husband, he had said nothing about not using and abusing her to amuse himself during the two-day wait. Looking the helpless wife over, he noticed that she was very shapely. She had tried to hide the fact through conservative dressing, but her top had somehow come open to betray some serious cleavage. It was all the motivation the man needed. Brutishly, he reached out and squeezed the swell of Rachel's breasts. With the gag back in her mouth, she could only offer muted groans of protest. Yet the fondling was only the mild start to a long ordeal that would grow increasingly terrible and depraved. After the man had pawed and mauled Rachel for a while, he opened his pants and pulled out his cock. It was already big and hard in readiness for violating the captive wife. When he removed her gag, she pleaded with him not to do anything to her. If only he would be patient - she said. Her husband would come good with the money. But the man wasn't interested. He shoved his cock hard at Rachel's mouth, giving her no choice by to part her lips and accept it. She had never sucked off any man before. Not even her husband. She had always considered it dirty. The man saw things differently. Holding Rachel's head by the hair at the back, he XXXX her to go all out to pleasure him. For a reluctant novice, she performed magnificently. The man untied her from the chair, made her bend over it, gagged her yet again, then hiked up her skirt, yanked her panties aside, and harshly fucked his fingers into her naked, defenseless pussy. Her was amused to see that Rachel wore sexy stockings and suspenders underneath the skirt. It seemed that she might have a sensual side after all. Not that Rachel showed it now. She appeared as miserable and distressed as ever as the man toyed with the pussy that she had pledged to no man but her husband. Once that was done, he prepared to put his cock there instead. Rachel had a brief opportunity to speak to him first. Afraid of making him even more aggressive through resistance, she consented to let him do whatever he wanted - provided he did not he did not her. From then on, she suffered several hard fuckings in different positions. They began with the man taking her from behind.
11:42 video
Part two of MILF1107. Trying to make sense of what had happened while she lay in bed scantily clad in a sexy black slip, a figure came in wearing the overalls and mask she had seen in one of the rooms. Rachel jumped a little, but then decided that it must be a bizarre prank by her husband. She played along with the figure despite its silence, and she even allowed it to come into her bed where it gave her a quick, hard fucking. Little did she know that her husband was sound asleep on the couch downstairs the whole time. During the days that followed, even stranger things started to happen. With dad off doing his own thing, Rachel and her son Brad were in the kitchen preparing their breakfasts. Brad had always admired his lovely, well-dressed mother, but when he suddenly had a vision of her wearing nothing but lingerie - every curve of her great body evidenced before him - he did not know what to do. That image her was deeply potent to him. Even after Rachel's voice had called him out of the dream-like episode, he still felt dizzy and lost. He had no idea what was going on. The same thing then happened later - only even more graphic. Returning from a day out, Brad entered the living room to see his mother stripped down to some seductive black lingerie and eyeing him invitingly as she fondled her huge, lovely breasts and rubbed her pussy through the crotch of her panties. It was an insanely hot scene for the young man to witness, and - just as before - it suddenly disappeared to reveal itself as an illusion. His mother was really there, but she was dressed appropriately and behaving in the innocent way she always had. Brad by now felt painfully flustered. Needing to catch a breather, he told his mother he was going upstairs. Later, when Rachel was heading to her own room, she passed that of her son. Looking through the gap in his door, she caught a sight that took her breath away. There Brad was, sitting naked in his chair, beating off his big, stiff cock to a porno-mag. As if in a trance - as if possessed - Rachel found herself walking into the room to join him. She then began undressing while her son watched her hungrily. Both of them were so corrupted by the house's strange power that they could not even question their actions. Filled with a ferocious lust, they met on the bed and started to kiss. Their tongues connected and swirled around each other; their hands carried out a mutual exploration. From there on it was a passionate unraveling of forbidden desire.
11:29 video
Part two of MILF1080. But an even naughtier mother-son tryst than that took place in the very bed that the husband shared with Rachel. While the older man into a deep XXXX on the nearby couch, Rachel's son crept sneaked in and started to kiss his mother. Thanks to their passion and their ever-increasing boldness, things progressed rapidly. Soon Rachel's son had her stripped out of her sexy, tight purple dress, and had her laying back on the marital bed in nothing but her lingerie. There, as the father snored away in the corner, the two of them explored each other's bodies to the full. Rachel's son played a long time with her breasts, getting her nipples long and hard until she was so excited that she could not wait to get hold of his big cock and give it a long, deep and loving sucking. Once she had it sufficently hard and slick, Rachel got on hands and knees and her invited her son to take her hard from behind. The eager young man jumped at the opportunity. As he held is sexy, lingerie clad mother's butt cheeks and pounded into her, the two of them gave way to moans and dirty-talk that constantly threatened to wake the XXXX father. For a finale, the mother and son fucked missionary style, with Rachel holding her legs far back for her son to go as deep as he could. When he eventually pulled out of her, he shot a huge, creamy load on her happy, awaiting face. Hearing her husband then shift nosily in his XXXX, she did not take time to wipe it off. Instead, she hastily put her clothes back on and got into bed while her son hurried from the room. On waking, her husband would not know that anything at all had happened. And that is the way it would stay - with all the sneaky mom-son fucks ahead.
10:00 video
Part one of three. A rebel, a misfit, a jock and a slut are all in detention due to their bad behavior. Mrs. Steele is a substitute teacher who has been hired to supervise their detention. She does not have a lot of experience and is shocked at how she is treated when she walks into the classroom. She deals with profanity and disrespect. Mrs. Steele reminds them that they have caused their own fate. She also reminds them they have an essay to write to give to the principal. They ignore her. Mrs. Steele has had enough and leaves the room for a break. The slut and the jock get together, the slut gives the jock a blowjob while the misfit and the rebel watch. They plot an attack on the teacher. Hours later Mrs. Steele comes back to collect their essays. They have not completed a thing. As Mrs. Steele bends over to collect Angel's work the rebel attacks her from behind. They all work together to strip her and tie her. She knows there is nobody left at the school to rescue her.
11:22 video
Rachel used a young man named Brad in the neighborhood to help around the house. She did not know if he was just slow or there was something more serious wrong with him. She identified with him because neither one was popular in the neighborhood; him because of his problems and her because she was considered e neighborhood slut. She told him that she trusted him and she was going to give him a key to her house. He just rocked back and forth on the couch and said thank you. She tried to talk to him about personal things. She asked him if he had a girlfriend. He just shook his head and rocked. She learned that he never had a girlfriend and was a virgin. Rachel was a slut at heart and could not help teasing the young man. She pulled her breasts out and asked him if he had ever touched breasts, he shook his head no. She reached down and grabbed his crotch. He continued to rock but was obviously getting excited. She suddenly stopped and stood up. She put her tits away and said that she should stop. She handed him the key and told him to go and come back tomorrow. His erection was painful as he limped out the door. Brad came back later that day and used the key to let himself in. Rachel was still wearing the same clothes and was asleep on the couch. Brad lifted her skirt and rubbed her pussy while he rubbed his cock through his jeans. Rachel eventually woke up and saw him standing over her. She jumped up and told him to behave. He kept saying the he wanted a girlfriend, over and over. She told him to find one. He said he wanted a girlfriend NOW and grabbed her. He pushed her onto the couch and tied her hands and feet with pantyhose. He sat next to her on the couch and suddenly his demeanor changed. He was no longer the slow young man; it had all been an act. He yanked up her top and pulled her panties down. He slammed his cock into her while he fondled her breasts. He pulled out of her pussy and shoved his slimy cock into her mouth. He fucked her face while he fingered her pussy. He fucked her pussy more and then decided he wanted to taste her. He licked and sucked her pussy. She was no longer fighting back. It was inevitable that he was going to take her so she just hoped it would be over soon. (Simulated intercourse)
13:45 video
MILF 1332 - Losing Bets, Part 2 Part two of MILF1330. Lance dared Angel to suck his cock, and she willingly knelt before him and took it into her mouth. She delighted in licking it and sucking it as deep as she could. Angel then challenged Lance to return the favor by eating her out. Lying back with her legs wide apart, she sighed and moaned and giggled as her brother lapped his tongue over her pussy lips and tickled the tip of it round her sensitive clit. The next dare was for Angel to let Lance shove his cock inside of her. It was a case of a brother's hardness filling a sister's wetness, and both of them loved it. Following a few hard, deep, forbidden thrusts, Lance pulled out. Both of them could have happily carried on fucking, but they wanted to draw the fun out by sticking to the rules. In any case, they did not have long to wait. Angel immediately dared Lance to take her from behind, and he duly mounted her, holding onto her hips as he started pumping away. Now the siblings really went at it. Again and again Lance drove his cock into his sister's hot, clenching, hungry pussy. Angel smiled from ear to ear and gasped in happiness at the feel of him filling and stretching her. Eagerly, she fucked her ass back onto his cock in hopes of taking it even deeper. No sooner were the two of them finished than they moved on to their next dare: a spot of missionary-style fucking. Angel again spread her legs wide, Lance fucked his cock as deep into her as he could, and the pair shared long and affectionate kisses. By now the siblings had crossed so many taboo boundaries that there seemed nothing more they could dare each other to do. But Lance had one more idea up his sleeve. Angel was take his cum in her unprotected, fertile womb! For once Angel lost her nerve. She was frightened of the consequences should her brother XXXX her up. However, Lance was not about to stop. He fucked his sister on and on while she grew ever more tense and began begging him to pull out. Then it was all to late. With a tensing of his body, Lance unleashed his every drop of cum deep inside his sister. Angel was almost beside herself. Yet she could not feel mad at her wild, expert-lover of a brother. She and Lance would just have to take their chances. Nothing could make her regret their spontaneous, thrilling taboo fuck.
8:08 video
Rachel gets home from her shift at the fetish club. She calls her boss to let him know she arrived safely. Rachel was flirting with a man at the club all night because he was buying her drinks and tipping her. She had no intention of dating him. He became angry when her shift was over and Rachel scooped up her money and left without even a thank you to this man. Rachel hung up the phone and to her shock was attacked and thrown to the kitchen floor. She was gagged and tied up. She realizes that he is the guy from the club that she prick teased all night long. He began to tell her she was a bitch for not giving him the attention he wanted. Rachel begged him to let her go. He pulled her tits out and fondled her. She struggled to free her self. He groped her and slapped her hot ass. Rachel was at his mercy.
7:53 video
Rachel is all dressed up in her funky knee socks and crazy shirt. She has Jaime tied to the bed and is going to have her way with her. Jaime is up for the experience. Rachel whips out the Hitachi and presses it up against her own pussy to get the party started. She runs the vibrator up and down Jaime's panty clad pussy. She lifts Jaime's shirt to play with her tits and pulls out her own so we get a look at four lovely breasts. She keeps switching the vibrator back and forth between pussies to get both of them off.
31:23 video
20:06 video
42:27 video
10:24 video
Ashlynn was home alone doing dishes when a man in black wearing a faceless mask just walked into her kitchen. Ashlynn screamed, take my car, throwing her keys at him. The intruder had no intentions of robbing her. He had been stalking her and wanted to play a game. He grabbed her in his arms, held her and then released her. Ashlynn ran for a door. The intruder took hold of her again dragging her kicking to the middle of the room. He released her again. She ran for the front door, He snagged her in a head lock. This time he threw her on the couch and tied/gagged her. The man carried her over his shoulder to the bedroom. The chase was over, now he would conquer her. He stripped her and XXXX himself on her. She fought back but was very weak. He XXXX his cock in her mouth. The man bent her over and fucked poor Ashlynn hard. The man put his masked face up to hers. He just starred at her. Ashlynn was terrified. He fondled her and fucked her in several positions until he was satisfied. (Simulated intercourse)
9:09 video
Mob wife Arianna and her girlfriend Carmella were visiting one day. A masked man broke in the house and attacked them. He tied and gagged them. The man threw a sheet over them then secured the house. Arianna had been spending her husband?s money faster than he could make it. She had also been holding out sex. The husband had found a young starlet to fuck and decided to hire a man to teach his wife a lesson. The man told her what he was there for. He gave her a choice, fuck him or die. He took both their asses. Carmella was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The hit man loved it he had two women to play with. He used and abused them. He XXXX them to do sexual acts they never did with their husbands. The woman did what he ordered to live. When he was done with them he left them in a heap. (Simulated sex)
28:40 video
11:29 video
Part two of MILF 646. Last month Brent had built a device. He tested it out on his mom and it worked great. He ended up getting an awesome blowjob and fucked his mom until he came in her pussy. Brent was home alone when his Aunt Rachel came in with her son and daughter. He moved everyone to the couch so he would be more comfortable. He shoved his cock into Brianna's very tight pussy as she continued to suck her brother. Aunt Rachel watched as she played with herself. Brent pulled out of Brianna and told her to keep sucking. He sat back on the couch and told Aunt Rachel to jerk him off. Brent told Brock to fuck his sister. He slid into her lubed up pussy as she moaned. Rachel sat next to Brent and continued to jerk him off as he watched his cousins fuck. Brianna did not understand why but she was really enjoying the fucking she was getting. Brent told them to change positions. Brock laid his sister on her back and re-entered her. Rachel and Brent had a great view of them fucking.
7:05 video
Rachel needs more studs for her website and is holding auditions. She has had a long day and is almost on the last audition. She usually just asks them a few questions and jerk and suck them off enough to see what they look like hard. However she has been jerking cocks off all day and she is horny. This guy claims he shoots big loads so she decides to see for herself. This guy is quiet at first letting her do all the work. She oils up his cock, getting him hard fast. She decides to do a little sucking when he grabs the sides of her head and buries his cock in her throat. After he fucks her throat good and hard he pulls out and XXXX her face in cum. He is a keeper!
11:30 video
Leihla's life has been miserable since her mother left. Her brother joined the military and moved away and it is just Leihla and her father. Leihla was responsible for all the duties her mother used to take care of. She did not expect to take care of her father's sexual needs too. Leihla is writing to her brother. She tells him that things are different now that it is just Leihla and her father. She told him she is not surprised that her mother left. She did not seem happy. She once told Leihla that dad did not treat her very good, particularly in the bedroom. The scene changes to one where Leihla's mother is XXXX to her knees and her husband makes her suck his cock. When he is hard he shoves his cock into her unlubricated pussy until he is ready to cum. He pulls out and makes her swallow his load. He rolled over and went to XXXX as usual leaving his wife unsatisfied. Leihla wrote that she had the feeling that she was being watched while she slept. She mentioned it to her father one day and he just gave her a strange look and did not reply. What she did not know was that he visited her room often at night after she went to XXXX. He would watch her XXXX trying to get the courage to make a move. Leihla told her brother about a time that she was home alone. She was showering and when she stepped out of the shower her father was standing there. He did not say a word just stared at her naked body. She asked him for a towel which he finally handed her after checking out every square inch of her body. She knew it was going to get worse. Leihla told her brother about a time after that when she and her father were watching TV one night. He asked her to sit next to him. He put his hand on her leg and rubbed it while he watched TV. She just stared at the TV trying to figure out what he was doing. He took her hand and put it on his crotch. He had pulled his cock out. He wrapped her hand around his cock and made her jerk him off. She did not say a thing. She just kept stroking him until he came on her hand. A couple days later he was sitting at the breakfast table. He told her to bring him a cup of coffee. When Leihla set the cup on the table he ran his hand up her leg and felt her butt. Leihla just froze, not knowing what to do. She looked down and he had his cock out again. She thought that he was going to make her jerk him off again. She was wrong. Her father pushed her down onto her knees and made him lick and suck his cock. He made her suck him until he shot in her mouth. He told her to swallow it. How much worse could it get. Leihla wrote that the day Brent called her father had her on her back on the table. He was fucking her when the phone rang. He was talking to you Brent while he was fucking me. He never stopped until he came. Brent arrived home on leave a couple days later. He greeted his father coldly. His father got the hint and went to bed. Leihla and Brent stayed up late talking about what was happening at home. He told her that she could come live with him on base. She asked how his wife would feel about that and he told her that his wife had left. Leihla told him that thanks to their father she knew how to be a wife now. She told him that she could do all the wifely things for him. She pulled the sheets down and took his cock in her mouth. She sucked him until he was good and hard. She knelt in front of him and he slid his cock into her. It felt much better than her father. She rolled over on her back so she could see him fucking her. She loved watching his cock go in and out of her. She told him that she would do the work. He rolled over onto his back and she mounted him. She bounced up and down on his cock until he was ready to cum. She knelt on the floor and told him to cum on her face. He shot his load all over her face and she played with the cum. After they got cleaned up they agreed that they should leave before their father woke. They packed her bags and snuck out of the house. Their father did not realize they were gone until there was no coffee made in the morning.
24:30 video
When Rachel Steele steps into her stepson's room, she’s already frustrated—he didn’t do the one simple task she asked: making the bed. But as she starts tidying up, she stumbles upon something unexpected—an older women’s magazine hidden away. At first, she’s surprised and even annoyed, but as curiosity takes over, she starts seeing things differently. Just as she gets lost in her thoughts, her stepson walks in, catching her off guard. The tension in the air is undeniable, and what starts as frustration soon turns into an intense and unforgettable Taboo moment.
16:28 video
For the first time ever, I’ve put together a special Raw & Uncut Solo Bundle! Three short, intimate masturbation clips—pure, real, and all about pleasure. While these moments were shared individually before, this is the only place to get them all in one exclusive collection.
32:55 video
Rachel Steele and London River are best friends catching up when London confesses she’s thinking about cheating since her husband neglects her—at first, Rachel disapproves, but soon admits she’s in the same boat. Meanwhile, Tyler Cruise, Rachel’s stepson’s friend, arrives for a festival but ends up staying the weekend. The moment Rachel steps out, London seizes the opportunity, seducing Tyler—but just as they’re about to finish, Rachel catches them in the act. Shocked at first, she hesitates, but with a little persuasion from London, she gives in, and soon, both sex-starved housewives take full advantage of their eager guest.
16:07 video
In this steamy story, Rachel plays a piano teacher whose student just can’t seem to focus or hit the right notes. Determined to help him succeed and keep his family from pulling him out of lessons, she turns to unconventional methods to sharpen his focus—and it works. Prepare for a captivating Solo performance full of passion and unexpected twists.
5:39 video
In this steamy Solo Scene, a stepson’s hidden fascination with leather comes to light when his confident stepmom, dressed in seductive vegan leather pants, playfully teases him. What starts as a lighthearted exchange quickly builds tension as their dynamic evolves, exploring forbidden desires and irresistible chemistry.
22:00 video
Rachel Steele, a successful adult content creator, is shocked to discover that her biggest supporter is someone much closer than she expected—her stepson, Donald. Armed with this newfound knowledge, Rachel uses her confidence and charm to bring his deepest fantasy to life, creating an unforgettable story of discovery and intrigue.
11:18 video
Rachel Steele brings her charm and allure to the private world of an Italian mob boss. Captivating, intimate, and dripping with passion, this exclusive Solo performance will make you feel like you’re the one in control… but with Rachel, you never are.
11:29 video
Ever bold and determined Wonder Woman steps into the eerie, abandoned house of her recently deceased neighbor, aiming to locate the deed and turn a quick profit. But as she searches each room, she’s met with a shocking surprise—the invisible spirit of the old man lingers, not letting her go.
As she explores deeper into the house, the spirit takes her in various positions, asserting its presence with supernatural power. When she reaches the bedroom, she’s thrown onto the bed and taken doggy style by the unseen entity. The encounter leaves her in disbelief as she realizes she’s suddenly nine months pregnant.
A harrowing and intense sequence follows as Wonder Woman struggles with the shocking transformation. The clip concludes with her going into labor and experiencing a surreal, unexpected birth.
This thrilling and unorthodox tale combines suspense, supernatural forces, and an unforgettable twist.